OPcache will cache .php
and .phtml
files within your WooCommerce application. Therefore you should add flushing OPcache to your deployment process.
Version Check¶
You can check the version of OPcache installed with the command:
~]# php -v | grep -i opcache
with Zend OPcache v7.2.19, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
Module Check¶
You can confirm the module has been loaded:
~]# php -m | grep -i opcache
Zend OPcache
Flush OPcache¶
Service Reload¶
You can flush OPcache with a reload of the PHP-FPM service, always run a configuration test before reloading
~]# php-fpm -t
[19-Aug-2019 08:48:54] NOTICE: configuration file /etc/php-fpm.conf test is successful
~]# systemctl reload php-fpm
PHP Function¶
You can also clear OPcache using the PHP function:
Stack OPcache settings¶
We use the following sed
to change the default settings of OPcache on our Shopware stacks:
sed -i 's/opcache.memory_consumption=128/opcache.memory_consumption=512/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8/opcache.interned_strings_buffer=12/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000/opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.fast_shutdown=0/opcache.fast_shutdown=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.validate_timestamps=1/opcache.validate_timestamps=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.revalidate_freq=2/opcache.revalidate_freq=60/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
sed -i 's/;opcache.enable_file_override=0/opcache.enable_file_override=1/g' /etc/php.d/*opcache.ini
This changes the values to:
OPcache GUI¶
The OPcache GUI https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui is a very handy tool which allows you to flush cache, view the files in cache, memory statistics and lots more. You simply need to download the files to your document root:
~]# cd /var/www/vhosts/woocommercedomain.com/htdocs/pub/
~]# git clone https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui
~]# chown -R woocommerceuser: opcache-gui
You can then browse www.shopwaredomain.com/opcache-gui
. We recommend password / IP redirection for this URI. You can do this following our guide on restricting file access