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Magento Hosting.

Our UK Magento cloud hosting solution is PCI-DSS compliant, robust, highly secure & reliable. Built to handle traffic spikes with fastest possible speed without any disruptions to customer experience, backed by award-winning support from UK-based Magento experts 24/7.

ANS Magento cloud Hosting

Built for eCommerce websites

With our Magento cloud Hosting, we include all the components to help you get the best out of your infrastructure with a variety of different technical designs, ensuring you have all the tools to keep your site up and running, protected and operating to the best of its abilities.

• CDN - Managed By ANS & CloudFlare
• Security Boundary - Managed by ANS
• Your Application - Managed by you
• Your Data - Managed by you
• Backup & Recovery - Managed by ANS
• Infrastructure - Managed by ANS

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Provides a network based cache to speed up page load times from all over the world - giving you peace of mind that wherever your customers are, they’re getting the best possible experience for your online store.

Security Boundary

A network based firewall to ensure you stay one step ahead of intruders. We set it up for you with typical eCommerce requirements & give you access to our portal to make changes if you need to. We also provide an advanced security package for sites that need more protection, like those which process credit card information.

Application & Data Architectures

We provide three simple to use eCommerce architectures to choose from, allowing you to select an approach that suits your technical & budgetary needs.

Backup & Recovery

We’ll protect your data by default by supplying a backup & recovery service for your data with 28 days retention & the ability to use our self service portal to restore them.

Our Magento cloud hosting clients

music Magpie logo
Trust Ford
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The amazing thing about the solution we have with ANS is that the increase in speed has directly increased revenue.

Ian Hammersley



FAQs: Magento Hosting

What is Magento cloud hosting?

Magento cloud hosting refers to hosting services specifically optimized to cater to the requirements of Magento-based e-commerce websites in cloud environments. This hosting solution is PCI-DSS compliant, designed to leverage the scalability, reliability, and security features of cloud infrastructure. With robust cloud resources and automatic scaling capabilities, Magento cloud hosting ensures high performance and resilience, capable of handling sudden traffic surges efficiently. It provides seamless operation, maintaining optimal speed and reliability to deliver an uninterrupted customer experience, even during periods of peak demand.

Why do I need Magento cloud hosting and what are its benefits? 

You need Magento cloud hosting to ensure your Magento website operates smoothly and efficiently, especially in the dynamic and scalable environment of the cloud. Here are some of the benefits it offers: 

Scalability: Magento cloud hosting leverages the scalability of cloud infrastructure, allowing your website to handle fluctuations in traffic seamlessly. This means your site can accommodate sudden spikes in visitors without performance degradation or downtime, ensuring a consistent shopping experience for your customers, even during peak demand periods. 

Reliability: Cloud hosting offers high availability and redundancy, minimizing the risk of downtime due to hardware failures or maintenance. With redundant servers and automatic failover mechanisms, your Magento website stays online and accessible to customers 24/7, enhancing reliability and trust in your brand. 

Optimized Performance: Cloud hosting providers often utilize advanced caching mechanisms, content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimized server configurations to maximize the speed and responsiveness of Magento websites. This results in faster page load times, improved user experience, and higher conversion rates. 

Security: Magento cloud hosting providers implement robust security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security updates, to protect your website from cyber threats and unauthorized access. Additionally, they often offer built-in DDoS protection and SSL/TLS encryption to safeguard sensitive customer data and ensure PCI compliance. 

Expert Support: With Magento cloud hosting, you have access to expert support teams that specialize in managing Magento environments. They can assist with configuration, optimization, troubleshooting, and addressing any technical issues promptly, allowing you to focus on growing your business while they handle the technical aspects of hosting. 

Overall, Magento cloud hosting provides the scalability, reliability, performance, security, and support necessary to deliver a seamless shopping experience to your customers and drive the success of your e-commerce business. 

What security measures are included in Magento cloud hosting?

Magento cloud hosting includes robust security measures such as security audits, maintenance and automated OS patching, monitoring, DNS management and managed firewall protection all come as standard with our hosting solutions to protect against cyber threats and safeguard customer data.

Your data is only ever housed in our fully owned, ISO-accredited and ultra-secure UK data centres to guarantee 100% data sovereignty. We are a trusted supplier to the Government: our data centres are so secure that they’re relied upon by the MoD.

We also provide an outstanding range of additional, even more advanced security products and services, such as DDoS Protection, Web Application Firewalls. Plus, we deliver Managed Detection and Response tailored to your needs, combining MDR SIEM, SOAR and SOC services to achieve defence in depth.

Can I migrate my existing Magento website to a new hosting provider?

Yes, you can migrate your Magento website to a new hosting provider. The process involves backing up your website files and database, setting up the new hosting environment, transferring files and databases, and updating DNS records to point to the new provider.

How do I choose the right Magento cloud hosting provider?

When selecting a Magento cloud hosting provider, consider factors such as expertise, performance, scalability, security, support, uptime guarantees, backup solutions, and pricing. Compare different Magento cloud hosting providers to find the best fit for your business needs.

Request a free Magento cloud hosting consultation.

Just fill in the form and select an appointment slot.

Our Magento cloud experts are on hand to speak about topics such as:
• Speed & server resources
• Uptime & redundancy
• Scalability & traffic handling
• SSL support
• PCI-DSS compliance